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Sun Sign Cancer

Upper Stomach
Cell Salt Calcarea Fluorica
Feel other-uniting intelligence
Spiritual Tin

The Breast is the Soul's first home after taking on flesh, but remember, after "rending the veil of Isis."

To make clear this department, which is the Fourth department , the chemical belonging here is found in mineral form as Fluoride of Lime. This when brought up to the point of transmutation in body chemistry is Calcarea Fluorica. It is a combinaion of Fluorine and Lime. The nature of this chemical is domestic but of a uniting principle in its right-use-ness, and therefore the thought-urge constructive in value here is of a Religious nature. Please note the reason for this. It is said the Solar Plexus below this point is a place of feeling and sensation and has no intelligence. The record is made through the five compartments of the liver, which is the center of the Double Triangle. The thought-feeling that is recorded through the emotions of pleasure or pain is UNITED in the Fourth Department of the body and woven together to be presented above.

The quality of this chemical is to draw distant places together. It is to establish communication in terms of the subjective mind. It is the medium through which human personalities unite. That which is below is secondary, subject to command and obedience. Therefore, we may see clearly that this department is the feminine elder or the receptive aspect of the LIFE POWER. It is the virgin Diana. She becomes the spiritual bride and the Mother-Principle and is again Eve before union with Adam.

Also please note this principle stands between the exalted mind known as the Physician and the objective mind. These are in truth the two pillars Jachin and Boaz. Now in other words this particular chemical value stands ready to unite the subjected emotions below to the directive action above.

The function of this chemical Calcarea Fluorica is elastic fiber and is formed by union of the Fluoride of Lime with the Albumenoids. Conditions resulting from the lack of this chemical are such as over relaxation of the tissues and there is a falling apart of the component (word blurred). When the Cerebellum sags away from the Cerebrum, you will find in the lower body that the generative organs also sag and cause what we know as female disability or in the male prostate decay. This chemical unites them together and supplies the fibrous tissue of the membranes of the dynamo that runs the machinery of man.

An important duty of Calcarea Fluorica is that it automatically relaxes and draws together the circulation according to the Moon's phases, and is the most important chemical necessary to the human form in middle life.

Due to its relation with the heart it is capable of relaying answers to the motor director as to whether obedience from below has been possible.

A Line drawn from the breasts upward to the Cerebellum and curved downward through the kidneys into the solar plexus and up again, but not joined as in a circle but instead a shelf as of a line across makes a "G" and here you have the answer, because when this line is completely perfected in activity the "G" will close and unite the circle. We can here see that this chemical has much to do with the contact made between the heart and head, by its ability to unite that which as been redeemed to the upper and the inner.

Recommended homeoppathic doseage: First to twelfth pootency. Sometimes the highest potencies are prefeerable. Acts escpeially well given in hot water.

This is from Materia Medica by William Boericke M.D.

ALCEREA FLUORICA Fluor Spar(Flouride of Lime)

A powerful tissue remedy for hard, stony glands, varicose and enlarged veins, and malnutrition of bones. Hard knots in female breast. Goitre. Many cases of cataract have undoubtedly been influlenced favorably by it. Arteriosclerosis. Tuberculosis. Used after operations, the tendency to adhesions is reduced.

MIND; Great depression; groundless fears of financial ruin.

HEAD; Creaking noise in head. Hard excrescences on the scalp.

EYES: Flickering and sparks before the eyes, spots on the cornea. conjunctivitis. cataract.

EARS; Calcareous deposits on tympanum. sclerosis of ossicula and petrous portion of temporal bone, with deafness, ringing and roaring. Chronic suppuration of middle ear.

NOSE: Cold in the head. stuffy cold. Atrophic rhinitis.

FACE: Hard swelling on the cheek, with pain or toothache, Hard swelling on jaw bone.

MOUTH: Gum boil, with hard swelling on the jaw. Cracked appearance of the tongue with or without pain. Unnatural looseness of the teeth with or without pain, teeth become loose in their sockets. Toothache, with pain if any food touches the tooth.

THROAT: Sore throat, plugs of mucus are continually forming in the crypts of the tonsils. Pain and burning in throat, better by warm drinks, worse by cold drinks. Relaxed uvula, tickling referred to larynx.

STOMACH: Hiccoughs. Flatulency. Weakness of appetite. Acute indigestion from fatigue and brain-fag.

STOOL AND ANUS Diarrhea. Itcing of anus. Bleeding hemorrhoids. Itching of anus. Internal or blind piles frequently with pain in back generally far down on the sacrum. Much wind in lower bowels.

MALE; indurations of the testicles.

RESPIRATORY ORGANS: Hoarseness. Spasmodic cough. Tickling sensation in throat when lying down. Calc Flouor removes fibroid deposits about the endocardium and restores normal endocardial structure (Eli G. Jones, M.D.)

CIRCULATORY ORGANS Chief remedy for vascular tumors with dilated blood vessels, and for varicose or enlarged veins. Aneurism. Valvular disease.

NECK AND BACK: Chronic lumbageo..Pain lower part of back with burning.

EXTREMITIES: Gouty enlargements of the joints of the fingsers. Chronic synovitis of knee-joint. Ganglia or encysted tumors at the back of the wrist.

SLEEP: Vivid dreams, with sense of impending danger. Unrefreshing sleep.

SKIN: Marked whiteness. Adhesions after operations. Cracks, fissures in palms of hands. Fissure of the anus. Knots, kernels, hardened glands in the female breast.

This remedy takes some time before manifesting its effects.

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