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Second Department of the Body
I Have
Lower Jaw and Throat
Cell Salt Natrum Sulph
Medulla Oblongata
Domestic Urge
Directive Intelligence
Spiritual Silver

In this department of the body, we find the term Cerebellum as in comparison with the Cerebrum of the first department. It is the Seed-brain working through the larynx into the spoken word. Prov. 25-11" A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

This is the home of the sub-conscious mind, "sub" meaning under, therefore the cellar brain. It is the Divine Bull which becomes the exalted bull when yoked to the Higher Consciousness and controlled and guided by Wisdom. This is the animal used to plow the earth, to prepare the soil that it may bring forth. He has been given, has made, and contains the seed of all things, as does the earth. Our Bible states man purchases a field with thirty pieces of silver, meaning the purchase of the form. It was purchased out of heavenly treasure--the Gold of Ophir which is the Gold from its original Paradise in the Cerebrum, and changes to silver the coin of the realm in the Motor Brain.

The electricity of LIGHT which the Cerebrum generates is Spirit and starts the Motor. The Medulla Oblongata relays it, that it may make the long journey through the Solar Plexus then into the organs. The Solar Plexus is where the twelve great nerve ganglia are situated. Thought belongs to the brain, emotion is registered through reflection in the Solar Plexus.

Kali Phos - Dews of Love or Spiritual Gold when slowed down to Natrum Sulph, the Spiritual Silver, the feminine counterpart of the Spirit above, compose the two Royal Metals or the Directors of the Body. There being twelve chemical steps down from the brain fluid, we find this fluid brought down into a condition more earthly and materially tangible in its outgoing process.Thus Natrtum Sulph is the director of the form creator - Spirit is to be clothed in Matter. Natrum Sulph being a reducing agent is capable of extracting the excess water out of the veins and the blood. A deficiency of this chemical value greatly depreciates these conditions and, with this explanation, we may clarify its use in our mind.

NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Sulphate of Sodium--- Glauber's Salt)

A liver remedy. For complaints are due to damp conditions worse in rainy weather,water in any form. Feels every change from dry to wet. Feels best in warm, dry air. (Side comment: this is found to be good for spinal meningitis, P.466 Materia Medica by Boericke) Tendency to warts.

MIND: Melancholy. likes to speak and be spoken to in conversation.

HEAD: Occipital pain. Piercing stitches in ears. Vertigo, relieved by perspiration on head. Got feeling on top of head. Boring in right temple, preceded by burning in stomach. Dreams of running water.

EARS: Earache, lightning-like stitches in damp weather.

NOSE: Nasal catarrh

EYES: Conjunctivita yellow. Granular lids.

STOMACH: Thirst for something cold. acid dyspepsia, with heartburn and flatulence.

ABDOMEN: Cannot bear tight clothing around waist, worse, lying on left side. Flatulency; wind colic in ascending colon worse before breakfast.

URINE: Excessive secretions. Diabetes.

FEMALE; Nosebleed during menses

RESPIRATORY: Humid asthma, rattling in chest at 4 am - 5 am. Constant need to take a long and deep breath. This is a constitutional remedy for asthma in children (P 467) . Every cold seems to bring on an attack of asthma.

BACK: Itching when undressing. Pains in back of neck and at base of brain.

EXTREMITIES: Inflammation around roots of nails. Itching between toes. Gout. Pain in hip-joints. Rheumatism, worse in damp weather.

MODALITIES: Worse, lying on left side. dampness of weather or environment. Better, dry weather, pressure, changing position.

DOSE: First to twelfth titration.

NOTE FROM SUE: This is not a threatening list, it is helpful to know that the periodic appearance of such symptoms can be addressed with the appropriate cell salt and may not portend hospitalization, surgery, and death when some of these manifestations appear. Keep your perspective and use this as awareness-training. : )

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