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From Old Manuscript by Jay Nichols

First Department of the body
I Am
Cell Salt--Kali Phos
Optic Thalamus
Creative Intelligence

The All-seeing Eye the Thalamus. The Optic Thalamus means "Light of the Chamber". It is located in the center of the head and connects the Pineal Gland and the Pituitary Body. "If thine eye be single, thy whole body will be full of Light".

The skull is the Cup of Life which has been termed the Holy Grail. Take note that this Light from the Chamber can extend downward, or upward, outward. A deficiency in the area of the Pituitary and Pineal means a deficiency in the entire body.

All of the lights and rates of vibration as ruling powers are present there. They receive vibrations from the heavens above. If this is not working properly and the chemical deficiencies are such that perfect etheric waves may not be received, then the result is in harmony and disease.

In order to chemically realize the full benefit of this department, we must know it is associated with the first manifestation of action. It directs spiritual FIRE. The next two departments are the heart and sciatic nerve.

Now the only liquid formula produced by Nature that is constituted in the sense that it has the power to produce Light or Action is Kali Phosphate (Potassium Phosphate).

This chemical produces the highest rate of vibration of any one of the twelve. It is the Mother of Light and is linked up with the invisible fire in Nature. It is capable of attracting and harnessing this Light within the human body. This chemical producing the highest rate of vibration is your evidence that the physical body cannot respond to any higher rate with safety.

Potassium is important and is used as a healing agent under all circumstance. It appears in three places in the body and all three are mental. First Kali Phos in the cerebrum, second Kali Mur in the lungs, the neck and the hands, third Kali Sulph in the intestines and lower bowels. This combination in the body, when polarized by Ferrum Phos will attract an unlimited amount of oxygen for the FIRE of purification to become thoroughly operative. Kali Phos is the greatest healing agent known to man. It is the chemical base for material expression and understanding. It is the builder of the white cell and gray matter and a true messenger of light throughout the body. The The nature of Kali Phos accelerates the cerebro-spinal system and effects the exciting impulses of all the chemicals of the first six departments causing material effects in terms of heat.


It is constructed of two spirals, one of Intelligence for the Spirit Man in the earth and another of ignorance for the Mortal Man of earth for they are spirits of opposition. War is established between them.

The Sign is taken from the horns of the Ram; probably because the lamb has been a symbol for crucifixion in the earth from very remote times. A thing of whiteness, purity, and beauty. The Evil Spirit of Earth seeks to kill the body, but cannot kill the High Spirit.

The following material on Cell Salts is from Materia Medica by Wiliam Boericke M.D.


One of the greatest nerve remedies. Prostration. Weak and tired. Especially adapted to the young. Marked disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system. Conditions arising from "want of nerve power", neurasthenia, mental and physical depression, are wonderfully improved by this remedy. The causes are usually excitement, overwork and worry. Besides it corresponds to states of adynamia and decay, gangrenous conditions. In these two directions it has won many clinical laurels. Remember it in the treatment of suspected malignant tumors. After removal of cancer when in healing process skin is drawn tight over the wound. Delayed labor.

MIND: Anxiety, nervous dread, lethargy. Indisposition to meet people. Extreme lassitude and depression. Very nervous. Starts easily, irritable. Brain-fag. Night terrors, hysteria. Somnambulation. Loss of memory. Great despondency about business.

HEAD: Occipital headache; better, after rising. Vertigo, from lying, on standing up, from sitting, and when looking upward. Cerebral anaemia. Headaches of students and those worn out by fatigue.

EYES: Weakness of sight; loss of perceptive power; from exhaustion. Drooping of eyelids.

EARS: Humming and buzzing in the ears.

NOSE: Nasal fetid discharge

FACE: Livid and sunken, with hollow eyes. Right-sided neuralgia, relieved by cold applications.

MOUTH: Breath offensive, fetid. Tongue coated brownish. Excessively dry in the morning. Toothaches, with easily-bleeding gums; Gums spongy and receding.

THROAT: Sore throat; paralysis of the vocal cords

STOMACH; A nervous "gone" sensation at the pit of the stomach. Feels seasick without the nausea.

ABDOMEN: diarrhea occasioned by fright, with depression and exhaustion. Diarrhea while eating.

FEMALE: Menstruation too late or too scanty in pale, irritable, sensitive females. Too profuse discharge. Feeble and ineffectual labor pains.

MALE: Nocturnal emissions. Utter prostration after coitus.

URINARY ORGANS. Enuresis. Incontinence of urine.

RESPIRATORY: Asthma; least food aggravates. Short breath on going up stairs.

EXTREMITIES; Paralytic lameness in back and extremities. Exertion aggravates. Pains, with depression, and subsequent exhaustion..

MODALITIES; Worse from excitement, worry, mental and physical exertion; eating, cold, early morning. Better, warmth, rest nourishment.

DOSE: Third to twelfth titration. The highest potencies seem to be indicated in certain cases.

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